Kitchen Remodel



The duration of a kitchen remodel depends on the scope of the project. A simple kitchen update may take a few weeks, while a complete kitchen renovation can take several months. During your initial consultation, we’ll provide you with a detailed timeline for your specific project.

The cost of a kitchen remodel varies depending on factors such as the size of the kitchen, the scope of the project, and the materials and finishes you choose. During your initial consultation, we’ll provide you with a detailed cost estimate based on your specific needs and budget.

No, you don’t need to hire an architect or designer separately. Our team includes experienced designers who will work with you to create a custom design for your new kitchen. We’ll take into account your style, needs, and budget to create a kitchen that is both beautiful and functional.

Depending on the scope of the project, you may still be able to use some parts of your kitchen during the remodel. However, there may be times when certain areas are off-limits due to construction. We’ll work with you to minimize disruptions and inconvenience as much as possible.

We stand behind the quality of our work, and we offer a warranty on all our kitchen remodels. The specific terms of the warranty will depend on the scope of the project, but we’ll make sure you’re completely satisfied with the results before considering the job complete.

  1. Initial Consultation

    We’ll start by meeting with you to discuss your needs, goals, and budget for your kitchen remodel. Whether you want to completely gut your existing kitchen and start from scratch or make some minor updates, we’ll work with you to come up with a plan that suits your needs and fits your budget.

  2. Design Phase  

    Once we have a clear understanding of your vision for your new kitchen, our team of designers will get to work creating a custom design that reflects your style and meets your needs. We’ll take into account factors like layout, storage, lighting, and appliances to create a kitchen that is both beautiful and functional.

  3. Construction

    Once the design is finalized, our team of experienced builders will get to work turning your vision into reality. We’ll handle every aspect of the construction process, from demolition to installation, to ensure that your new kitchen is completed to the highest standards

  4. Finishing Touches

    Once the construction is complete, we’ll put the finishing touches on your new kitchen, including installing countertops, backsplashes, fixtures, and appliances. We’ll make sure that every detail is perfect before we consider the job complete.

  5. Quality Craftsmanship

    We take pride in our attention to detail and our commitment to delivering outstanding results on every job.

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